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Online Auctions

BTAUSA finds that a hybrid approach to Auction Shows can be quite effective.

Our ability to organize a live event that has an online component has helped our clients to see revenue growth with sellers and buyers that cannot attend in person. This dynamic has helped to make show auctions more competitive and bring in interested parties globally.  We help clients with strategies to convert online sellers and buyers into "live" participants and future BTAUSA show events. 


Making online selling and buying easy is something BTAUSA continues to look at how new vendors, technology and service is changing the online auction world everyday. 


Hybrid Auctions Rock!! We are hearing that all the time from the people who follow BTAUSA and are commitment to providing not just an auction, but an Experience for those that love to buy and sell and those that enjoy the excitement of a good auction, even when not buying. Families are finding that a couple hours at a BTAUSA Show is something everyone enjoys. 

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